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Story Title: 80% Global Warming reductions by 2050 HOW TO cut GreenHouse Gases
Category: Peak Oil
Author: joe
Date: Aug 29 2007
Time: 10:08 PM
Times Read: 112
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Some people think Global Warming Solutions will be a monumental task and that to get to 80% reductions in the burning of fosil fuels and creating greenhouse gases by 2050.

Actually, it is very easy. You see the world is running out of oil. The issue is called "peak oil" and we are predicted to run out in 2050 at current burn rates.

You can read about peak oil at many places.

Wikipedia has a good page at

If you look at the bell shaped production curve, you see how it really tapers off at 2050.

That is the prediction based on remaining world wide oil reserves.

And then there is the growth on the planet. As more people are born and new cities and communities are founded. More energy is consumed. A 2% growth in the rate of use of oil could have us running out in 25 years.

What happens to a country that is heavily in debt when the economic engine is choked off?

Do you wish that we had leadership in this country to address this issue?

I do.

What do you think the years leading up to the last drops of oil will be like?

Pretty much Thunderdome huh?

Well, at least we can watch Mad Max movies and train for the future.

Here are some questions that you might want to ask yourself.

When you only have one more flight possible to take. Where do you want to end up?

When you can't drive a car anymore, do you live in a reasonable place for access to basic necessities to survive?

Do you think you want to plan long term for those community gardens?

By the way, we live in a desert, if we can't pump the water in. What will you drink?

I almost fell off my chair the first time I saw the peak oil numbers.

Al Gore (like him or not is beside the point) got us thinking about our "moral obligation" to keep the planet from warming.

Boy, what about the moral obligation for squandering our children's energy supply.

Hey, could I get a ride sometime? I won't bite. And I will listen to whatever station you like. And if you want to smoke ... well honestly, I am a little jealous because at least your air is filtered.

But that is another topic for another day.

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Traffic Congestion
Global Warming Solutions California
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