Our Purpose
TrafficBulldog is YOUR Traffic Advocacy Group. We are fighting for all of us!
We fight for one special interest and it is US the Public!
Our Government Officials have lost their way. They are all too willing to allow our world to deteriorate as long as they are getting a cut of the action in the form of Sales Tax Revenue!
Look, Rideshare or Carpooling is nothing new, and Ride Matching Services are not rocket science. So when the cost of transportation continues to rise, why is it that carpooling is on the decline?
Since 1980 and the formation of Regional Transportation Authorities, ridesharing has declined 50%. Let's change that!
Our Need
We need to elevate this issue to National Importance! There are so many reasons to fix this problem. We are spilling human blood in order to secure oil supplies. We are burning through the worlds remaining oil so that politicians do not have to actually balance a budget. And by now we have all seen the "Invonvenient Truth" movie. Not to mention the air is brown and causes what the LA Coroner has termed..."LA Lung". It is time for action!
Please give so that we can be a loud public voice on the relationship between ridesharing and getting to Kyoto.
We need money for:
- Marketing of the Message! We need to educate the public on the issue!
- Support to finish the Viral-Video we are producing on the subject!
- Support to visit our elected officials in Sacramento to get change to happen!
- All the other expenses that happen when running an office...dsl...phone...etc
Help Clean the Air! Help Fix Traffic! Help save Oil for the Grandkids! |
As TrafficBulldog is working to influence legislation, contributions are not tax deductible. In lieu of a tax deduction, please consider deducting the tax credit from donations. |
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