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Traffic Congestion: At 1.3 people per car there would be no traffic congestion on our freeways.  Roger Snoble, CEO Los Angeles MTA (  Hello Roger?, Why aren't we funding that?
save on gas - and your car Get your free ride alerts! sees all those empty seats going the same way on the freeway. Find someone else that is going the same way and cut your commute costs.
Story Title: 1.3 people per car would solve traffic congestion
Category: Traffic Congestion
Author: joe
Date: Mar 10 2007
Time: 9:03 AM
Times Read: 299
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Visitor Rating 10.0/10 [ rate it ]

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Just to be clear, when talking 1.3 riders per car, we are talking rideshare. We at TrafficBulldog are not advocating forced rideshare. We are advocating market based solutions like

Since 1980, under the MTA, ridesharing has dropped from 1.2 people per car to 1.12 people per car just 3 years 1.09 people per car today. Why is ridesharing dropping under the care of our elected officials???

The following is a little bit of history that illustrates our politicians hands in the cookie jar.....

There are simply too many cars on our roads....and that causes congestion....and funds more terrorism through foreign oil too...not to mention the increased consumption of corn based ethanol that drives up the price of tortillas.

Here is the cookie jar that the politicians are raiding.....

In 1988, Riverside County voters approved Measure A as a dedicated sales tax to fund transportation. One of the items....

RCTC Measure A Section 4.A funding for computer assisted rideshare programs. For "improving computer assisted rideshare matching" part of $31/million for specialized transportation programs.

In 2002, Riverside County voters re-approved Measure A as a dedicated sales tax to fund transportation to 2009. One of the items.....

RCTC Measure A Update 3.C Public Transit - "Rideshare matching services; incentive programs; park and ride lot leasing"

Minimum of $50 million to fund Measure A 3.C projects.

Since then LA, Orange, Ventura Counties, and the San Bernadino Associated Governments have practiced magical accounting so that they can all use the RCTC Measure A funds in the operation of The total amount spent is $2.5 million.

This results in less than $800,000 spent on "Rideshare matching services; incentive programs" by the County of Riverside. Those same voters that approved the special sales tax as long as it included the minimum $50 million funding for the category of projects that rideshare matching services and incentives falls under.

It sure seems like the will of the people is not being followed through.

Doesn't this represent a conflict of interest? Rideshare and carpooling is the one activity where if you had a car, you wouldn't need it anymore. Most people taking the bus did not have cars to begin with. And taking rail means driving your own car to the Metro park and ride lot.

So if rideshare matching is the only program that results in reduced sales taxes, and if our elected County Supervisors work to minimize the amount of money supporting rideshare matching services. Isn't that a financial conflict of interest?

Look, if the County Supervisors really wanted to fix traffic, they would fund rideshare matching services. Sites like

are on their own trying to solve basic computer science 101 problems while the Transportation Authorities dream up the "Leveraged Lease Program" (love the new Enron style scam). It really appears that our Transportation Authorities are not even equipped to properly service the "1988 computerized assisted rideshare programs" let alone the "2002 rideshare matching service" without bias or prejudice. has been formed as a Commuter Advocacy Group focused on solving our transportation crisis through 1.3 people per car.

And just to remind you, rideshare has other benefits.....

And rideshare is more than just a way to clean the air. Rideshare has the potential to reduce the affects of many problems facing the world today:
- Rideshare helps to alleviate traffic congestion and improves commerce
- Rideshare helps to reduce road rage
- Rideshare helps reduce traffic tensions that spill into domestic violence
- Rideshare helps to reduce US Purchases of Foreign Oil that funds Terrorism
- Rideshare helps reduce the price of gasoline
- Rideshare helps reduce the rate at which we consume our remaining oil
- Rideshare helps reduce the US inflation rate based on energy price changes
- Rideshare helps reduce the US trade deficit
- Rideshare helps reduce inflationary pressures on home loan interest rates
- Rideshare helps reduce < 10 micron pollution (PM10)
- Rideshare helps reduces Asthma attacks
- Rideshare helps reduce the risk of lung cancer from exposure to vehicle exhaust
- Rideshare helps reduce School Aged children pedestrian deaths
- Rideshare helps to improve Air quality
- Rideshare helps slow Global Warming

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Responses to 1.3 people per car would solve traffic congestion

*it will reduce car accidents
*it will reduce commuter time.
add what it will increase:
* bonding with others
* time to sit back and get other things done as a passenger or time to get into your mental groove, i.e. relax.
Suggest drivers "consider" rideshare on a 1x per month or 1x per week basis. If they like it they may increase the occurances, but first consider it once in a while. Even going out with friends more would make a difference.

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Hang in there, you are doing the right thing by being a concience for elected officials. This is a great article. Ask Greg to help to get a local Leader/future Leader to take the challege and reap the positive results that will and needs to change our transportation choices.

Best Regards, Tom

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