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In Los Angeles, Traffic Congestion and Global Warming go hand in hand.
While our politicians wonder what to do about traffic congestion and move at a snail's pace on Global Warming...
TrafficBulldog.org has a serious plan that is ready to implement.
With $1 Million Dollars and 2 years time, TrafficBulldog will clear traffic in LA.
In a town like Los Angeles, that is the median price of one home.
Come on LA, anyone have the guts to take the Bulldog out for a walk?
Do you realize that California drinks 12 percent of the worlds fuel oil supply every day?
Do you realize that if traffic congestion is eliminated, there would be no stop and go traffic, thus eliminating the worst polluters? In total, the worst polluters are accelerating passenger vehicles. The second most polluting are accelerating diesel trucks. There are many more passenger vehicles than trucks. We must get our freeways moving again.
Our State of California is Lost. There are no politicians willing to lead in the area of Global Warming or Air Quality. Like Catherine Witherspoon, formerly of the Air Resources Board, said to some of the non-profits touting support from elected officials, "if any of the legislators that support you are willing to step forward and sponsor legislation, that would be wonderful." In Catherine's own tactful way, she was expressing her frustration to the public with getting support for actual solutions form our elected officials.
Do you know why the price of milk has gone up? Global Warming taxes because of the cows.
But yet, they are working hard to get that price of gas down when oil is high? Hmmm.
The cars in the state of California represent 1/12th of the World's Global Warming problem.
Yes, 8 percent of the problem is due to us driving our cars in California. Just us in our passenger vehicles.
So, Los Angeles / Orange County alone are worth about 5 percent of the total problem.
So, if you would like to do something about Global Warming for the future.
And if you are very concerned about traffic congestion today....
Then look around and get a count. Talk to your neighborhood councils and Chamber's of Commerce. How important is the problem of traffic congestion? If you solve that, you take a big bite out of our Global Warming problem at the same time.
With $1 million dollars and two years time. Traffic Bulldog will clear traffic congestion in Los Angeles and Orange County for that matter. It will spread from there.
Or the dog will cough that $1million right back up, and you can take that check right back to the bank.
P.S. Hey, West Los Angeles developers. You interested in improving your image?